
Easy At-Home Art Project to do with your Kids: Salt Painting

Create a unique work of art using salt, glue, and water color paint!

By Lacy Ezell, TN Art Yard & Heather Griffin, Publisher July 8, 2021

"Mommy, can we do a craft today!" My son asks me this question almost every day, sometimes multiple times a day. While we have a closet full of art supplies, purchased with good intentions on rainy days, I rarely have the brain power to dream up (or search Pinterest for) new ways to use them to make an easy at-home craft. I could give him a sheet of art paper, a brush, and some washable paint, but if I don't give at least some direction, we'll end up with another incident like the Glitter Bomb Disaster of '21. We're all still sparkly from that one. 

What if, I asked myself, I had an arsenal of easy art projects on hand to pull out whenever I get asked the daily "do-a-craft" question?  Enter Lacy Ezell--art teacher and owner of TN Art Yard, a new, small business out of Thompson's Station, TN that teaches art classes to toddlers, preschoolers, and school-aged children. Lacy began her company in March of 2021 when she realized the need for more art programs in the area. In addition to teaching small group classes, Lacy hosts a monthly event in Sarah Benson Park called Art in the Park. Participants are guided through a series of art stations using different techniques and mediums. It's messy. It's fun. And you can even take your child's art work home with you for display on the fridge or art shelf. 

When I asked Lacy to help me out with some at-home art ideas, she enthusiastically agreed. One such idea that I'm passing on to you is "salt painting." Read on for Lacy's instructions on how to do this easy at-home art project with your children.

Salt Painting

What you need:

  • Watercolor paper, or another heavy duty mix media paper. 
  • White glue 
  • Salt
  • Liquid watercolor (or food coloring + water)
  • Brushes and/or pipettes

What to do:

  • Find a good working area. Outdoor or kitchen tables are great.  
  • Using the glue, draw a design onto your paper. Younger children will make dots, lines, and squiggles. Older children may want to create a unique pattern or object.
  • While glue is wet, sprinkle salt onto paper until all glue is coated. Shake excess salt back into container for reuse 
  • Using your pipette, collect and drop color onto the salt and watch it move! Watch the magic as colors combine to create new colors. 
  • Set your painting aside to dry and hang in a special place for others to see. 

Helpful hints + talking points:

  • Use a baking sheet or tray under paper for minimal mess.
  • Before painting, ask what salt is, what it is used for, how do they think they are going to use it for their painting. If kids are old enough, you may want to talk about certain physical properties of salt, particularly when combined with water.
  • If you do not have liquid watercolor, no problem! Use your watercolor palette and a brush instead of pipettes. 
  • Avoid adding too much water to salt if possible otherwise your painting can quickly become runny. 
  • While painting, talk about color mixing! 
  • Once finished and dry, hang your child’s artwork for others to see. Art is alway a great talking point for kids! Plus, it helps them feel even more confident to explore their next art project with you.

About TN Art Yard:

TN Art Yard is a process-based art program for kids ages 1-12 located in Thompson's Station, TN. All classes at TN Art Yard focus on experimentation and student-driven work that a child can take pride in creating. For more information, visit

  Did you try this project with your kids?   

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