
Kiwanis Shine Light on Local Positivity with "Light Up the Hill" Event

Pivot to Holiday Light Contest Results in Long-Lasting Local Cheer

By Amber St. John Goss, Publisher December 20, 2020

Most years, by this time of year, the Spring Hill/Thompsons Station Kiwanis have finished their annual Christmas parade fundraiser. By now the parade has been a huge success, filled the town with joy and good cheer, and the Kiwanis charities have benefited yet again from the local group's charitable mission.

But of course 2020 is not your average year

And so, the Spring Hill/Thompsons Station Kiwanis have been given the opportunity to demonstrate their flexibility. And in a mid-air pivot that would make Kung-Fu Panda proud, they transformed an annual one-day charitable civic event into a season-long demonstration of local positive spirit and city pride--one that all citizens can enjoy on their own timeframes, socially distanced in their own vehicles, and well through the New Year.

It is a very 2020 Christmas in the best of all possible ways!

The average Spring Hill Christmas parade involves a long line of floats constructed by local businesses and civic organizations, local marching bands, and multiple levels of business sponsorship. The parade is always a huge hit locally--without a doubt it will be renewed once the pandemic danger has passed. 

But of course this year there could be no parade. Which left a gaping hole in the local social calendar and in the charitable strategy of one of Spring Hill/Thompsons Station's most reliable charitable organizations.

Thus the mid-air pivot that has filled area children and families with glee

In a world clambering for joy, in a year dark for far too long, the local Kiwanis Club struck upon an idea whose time had definitely come: a holiday light contest, with a map, and a plan, to guide local residents in need of joy through their town and toward the homes of local residents who have gone completely OVERBOARD with holiday cheer this year.

(Seriously, if you've not driven around town this year, this town is full of JOY!)

You can download a complete PDF list of houses and see pictures of the houses on a map by clicking this link:


The LEGENDARY Grzegorczyk family display at

1510 Charleston Park Dr, Spring Hill

Tune to 87.9 FM

Donate food to The Well Outreach in the sleigh in the front yard. 

2020 Goal: 3,000

Dec 19 total: 1,719 donations

Lights synced to music 4:30-midnight.

It seems likely that despite the incredible level of community support, the light contest will not be a full substitute for the club's typical holiday fundraising--but every entry and donation represented the hope glowing within the Spring Hill/Thompsons Station community--a groundswell of support and positivity not to be outwitted by even a formidable foe such as the current pandemic.

Even if you didn't sign up for the holiday light contest, you can still contribute to the Kiwanis charities via their website at this link--or, if you'd prefer to specifically support the Amtrykes project, go to this link here.

The light contest this year was the mastermind of Sarah Gonzalez of Spring Hill Bakery, who brought up the idea during a conversation with Kiwanis president Gerald Beckham's wife Katrina Beckham of Exit Realty King while they were discussing the club's inability to have a Christmas parade this year. Response from the community has been overwhelming, with forty-seven (!) local homes donating the $20.00 entry fee, and additional local retailers donating prizes:

-Home Depot









It's truly amazing that even in a year such as 2020 these local retailers made way in their budgets for this charitable cause!

Donations for prizes were:

1st Place

-Craftsman V20 Weed Eater/Blower set

-Charbroil Gas Table Top Grill

-$80 Walmart Gift Card

-Panera Pick 2 Coupon

2nd Place:

-Toro PowerJet F700 Blower

-Starbucks $83 Gift Card

-Panera $30 Gift Card

-Fireflies $25 Gift Card

3rd Place:

-Publix $45 gift Card

-Frankies $40 Gift Card

-Panera $30 Gift Card

-HotsyPotsy $10 Gift Card

Even after the voting period ends, local residents can continue to enjoy to lights and follow the Kiwanis contest route! The contest guidelines suggested that lights remain displayed for the remainder of the calendar year.