
YOU Could Win a Nintendo Switch Lite - FREE Drawing

Other Great Prizes Available

By Amber St. John Goss, Publisher December 10, 2020

Libraries have been the backbone of the parenting community in so many ways since COVID became an ongoing issue. Let's stop and reflect on all that they've done:

  • Converted to virtual story times
  • Held Facebook Live educational sessions
  • Initiated take-and-make crafts for the littles
  • Initiated pickup services to protect the community (and boy do we take advantage of that!)
  • Held book sales outdoors when possible
  • Assisted with community screening and contact tracing for admission
  • Increased the number of items that folks can check out and extended the loan periods

While librarians may not have the public reputation for being swift and nimble, that's a pretty impressive list and to be fair the libraries were way out in front on many of these issues.

My first job outside the family business was in the Children's Library in my hometown, and so librarians have a very special place in my heart. If you have a chance to volunteer at a library to shelve books, I can recommend it as absolutely meditative. But, me and 'ole Mr. Dewey go way back--so far back that I consider refiling the card stacks meditative as well (I also own a paper Rolodex, I'm that old...)

But let me tell you, this Williamson County Library Card Membership Challenge was jaw-dropping to me, even considering my mad respect for the librarian set. If you go get a new library card at the Williamson County Library between now and May 30, 2021, you're going to get entered into a drawing where you could win a Nintendo Switch Lite! Second prize is a $50 VISA gift card, and third prize is a $25 VISA gift card.

Librarians would know this well, but the Nintendo Switch is a HOT HOT HOT item out here in the wilds of Pandemia. How would they know? 

You can check out Switch game cards at the library.

(Yeah, go ahead and pick your jaw up off the floor--it's true!)

We've done it ourselves. Libraries are the bomb, y'all. We're running two different library cards at the moment--one for Spring Hill and one for Williamson County--and it's been one of the best things for dealing with the pandemic. 

So GET YOURSELF TO THE LIBRARY AND GET A CARD. And you might win a Nintendo Switch Lite. Pretty amazing stuff going on here. Who knows, maybe there's some low-key competition amongst the library set? We'll be waiting to see how the other libraries respond. But the chance to win a Switch Lite will be hard to beat!

DETAILS on the Amazing Membership drive can be found here.

As long as you live in Williamson County, you can get your library card for free. Not a resident? There's a small fee to get a card. Check out the book selection and online resources and see if it makes sense for you! Especially for homeschooling moms, the online resources various libraries have might make an out-of-county membership make sense!